I have been a Skydiver for 10 years and also earned my stripes on the packing mat. There is so much I love about skydiving; the freedom, the team sport, the people, the technical stuff…
I am currently a member of Dutch FS4 team Funky Falcon and the house packer of Skydive Rotterdam. During the season, I pack for formation teams like the world champs Hayabusa, Thunder, Fire Flash and XLR8. During the summer, I can be found all over Europe packing at boogies. Mountain Gravity in Switzerland, ToraTora Hungary Heli Camp, Flanders Boogie Belgium, France, Germany… I love meeting the international skydiving community!!

When I first started skydiving, I discovered this whole world behind the sport. Being on the scene for the past ten years, I noticed it can be difficult to get your hands on new equipment or cool goodies. With PHNX Skydive we want to bring skydive equipment to everyone.
Start small, there is always room to rise!
You can find us at different boogies throughout the year.
If you see us, don’t hesitate to come over and say hi.
We would love to help you!